January 2009 in Review

6th — I took Lydia into the nursery to change her diaper. And in the time it took me to do that, John Caleb got the chair from the far end of the table, took it into the kitchen, down toward the stove, climbed on top of the counter, got into the cupboard and got down the Halloween candy. Mind you, I did not hear a single sound of any of this, and by the time I found him, he had a lollipop in his hand that he was trying to unwrap. What this teaches us, is that if a toddler wants something badly enough, EVERYTHING is in “climbable reach!”

16th — I woke up at 5:15this morning to, “Mommy! Mommy!” Only to find John Caleb trying to get OUT of Lydia’s crib.

— So, I was getting more diapers out of the nursery and transfering them into John’s room. I had a nice stack in my hand, and Aaron attacked me with tickling. I didn’t want to drop all the diapers, however, so I dropped to the ground to protect myself and the stack. But, of course Aaron kept tickling me. John came running over, “Mommy. Mommy. Stop. Stop. Stop.” So, finally Aaron stopped tickling me and John looked at me and said, “You ok?” “Yes, I’m ok.” “Here.” And he gave me his hand and helped me up, the chivalrous little man that he is.

24th  — Found him with a chair pulled up to the kitchen counter eating a cookie and he said, “cookie.” Again, this happened when I was changing Lydia’s diaper.

— So, tonight I went to Carla’s house to scrapbook. When I returned home, I stepped in the door and asked Aaron, “Did John get out of his room?” (John was “in bed” when I left.) He had…

*gotten into my diaper bag (hanging on the hook, and it was still hanging on the hook, with everything emptied.)

*Brought a dirty cereal bowl into the living room.

*a picture frame was missing its picture and glass (glass is yet to be found.)

*sneaked past Aaron several times, to the point that the people he was video conferencing with would point out to Aaron when John was trying to sneak past, so John got smart and crawled.

*got into the Halloween candy.

*emptied a bowl of pretzels onto the counter

*dragged 2 chairs into the kitchen.

*emptied one side of the sink and got intoit  and played in the water.

*turned off the closet light (the closet’s connected to Lydia’s room and we leave it on for her until we go to bed.)

I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out other things that John did as well while I was gone. My little super-sleuth!

25th — Started potty training.

26th — Watched Its Potty Time, for the first time and laughed my head off!

29th — Found a box of granola bars in the microwave. John must have put them there at 4:45 in the morning. (I woke up to him in the kitchen this morning.)

30th  — Found John in the kitchen sink, with the water running into the other side as he filled up his baby sister’s bottle. Amazingly enough, he did not get wet at all!

— Lydia gives me the biggest cheesy smile when she sees me pull out her Johnny Jump-Up.