2022 Challies Reading Challenge

I’m coming a liiiiiittle closer to the wire on this year’s reading challenge than I prefer. LOL! I wanted desperately to include Wayne Grudem’s Politics According to the Bible on this year’s challenge since I’ve been reading it off and on for about 18 months. I only had about 50 pages left last week, so I’ve been trying to find the time to squeeze it in and take all the notes I wanted to. And I did it!

So let me start by recommending it! It is an EXCELLENT book helping one think biblically about politics and the role of government according to the Bible. At the very least, put it on your shelf to use as a reference the next time a new political topic comes up.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand…

This was my fifth year completing the Challies Reading Challenge! The 2022 Challenge was similar to the previous year with many book categories in the same place. Since I prefer to go somewhat in order for the first 26 books so that I can stretch the genres I read, I decided to just move around some of the categories. If you see an * next to category, it’s because it’s in the same slot as last year and I didn’t move it.

I finished 44 books this year! I’m honestly surprised I read that many considering my seminary class, a cross-country move, and homeschooling (where I partially read a handful books, but didn’t count them.)

My favorite books this year:


Christian Living:

Misc. Non-fiction:

As always my full list of books and categories is below if you’re interested!