Happy Mother’s Day

We’d like to wish our very special moms a “Happy Mother’s Day” as well as all of our friends who are new moms! Its exciting and we had a great Mom’s day yesterday. Aaron’s been really busty lately so it was nice to take the day and spend it together. We went to a park up in the mountains on a lake and had a picnic and read on a blanket. It was a beautiful day with the perfect breeze. We took a small walk (walks are always small and slow with me getting out of breath so easily these days) and skipped a few rocks. It was a most enjoyable day, being able to spend it with each other, and not having to worry about anything else.

Other than that, we’ve moved into our new apartment and have been enjoying it tremendously. I went to Florida for almost two weeks in April. I was a bridesmaid in my friend’s wedding, which was a very beautiful wedding, and then I had a baby shower while I was there as well. I enjoyed my time with my family a lot. It was good to see everyone and be able to relax for a few days. While I was gone Aaron went to the “Together for the Gospel” Conference in Louisville, KY. All of his favorite modern-day theologians were there, so Aaron spent 3 days soaking in teachings from God’s word as though he were a piece of bread soaking in the eggs to make french toast! He spent most of the weekend with his cousin, but was also able to see a couple of Ohio friends.

Now, we’re both back in Utah and have adjusted back to our daily lives of working, ministry, and house work. I have a little less than 8 weeks until my due date, but I’m already getting anxious to meet our little one. The pregnancy is going well, and everything is still great!

Grace and Peace in Christ,
Stacie (and Aaron)

Please pray:

*For our house in Ohio to rent or sell before the baby’s born.
*For the people that Aaron’s been able to talk to in various situations, that there would at least be a seed planted, and that God would open the ears and eyes of the deaf and blind.
*For Aaron’s job situation.
*For the continued health of Stacie and the baby.
*For a couple that we can become close friends with.